Ionospheric structures: sporadic E layers and F region trough
Autor: Mirela VOICULESCU
ISBN: 978-973-88711-7-5
Nr. de pagini: 70
Anul apariţiei: 2008
Pret: 27.36 lei
Stand de vanzare: Lângă Sala de Lectură nr. 1
Program: Luni - Joi 8.30 - 16.00, Vineri 8.30 - 13.00
This monograph presents two ionospheric structures, the sporadic E (Es) layers and F region trough, that have two things in common: both structures are commonly observed, yet their occurrence is irregular and unpredictable and their existence is well-known for decades but their un- derstanding is far from being complete. At high latitudes a third common characteristic emerges: they are both under the influence of the electric field, whose role in the formation and evolution of the two structures is still under debate. In the high-latitude ionosphere the convective electric field maps from magnetosphere, where it originates from the coupling between solar wind and magnetosphere. This, in turn, is controlled by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Therefore, it is reasonable to investigate how the occurrence of sporadic E (Es) layers and F region trough is affected by the orientation and/or magnitude of the IMF...