Prof. Dr. Claudio Pettinari - Doctor Honoris Causa al UDJG
Senatul Universităţii Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi a hotărât acordarea titlului de Doctor Honoris Causa domnului profesor Claudio Pettinari de la Universitatea de Studii din Camerino, Italia.
Ceremonia va avea loc miercuri, 12 septembrie 2012, în Sala Senatului, începând cu ora 11.00.
Vezi aici LAUDATIO Prof. Dr. Claudio Pettinari
Dear and Distinguished Professor Claudio Pettinari,
Distinguished guests,
Distinguished Members of the "Dunărea de Jos" University Senate,
On behalf of the Rector / President of the "Dunărea de Jos" University, I am happy to say that we are honoured to welcome on our premises today a great specialist in the field of Chemistry, whose work is known both at the national level and on the international academic and scientific arena.
We have listened to the laudatio, we have listened to the assessment committee's words, and we are glad to endorse these and to express our confidence that the relationship developed between the members of our academia in the field of Chemistry will continue in the years to come.
As a vice-president or vice-rector of the University in the area of International Affairs, I welcome personally Professor Claudio Pettinari, who is also in the same position as mine in the University he belongs to, so I am confident that the distinction we are offering him today is also a way of enhancing the beautiful relationship between our universities in multiple fields of academic teaching and research.
Congratulations for your activity and we wish you a wonderful continuation of your accomplishments.